A healthy smile that looks bright and vibrant can bolster one’s self-esteem. You actually have a variety of choices available to you to help you achieve your desired goal. Today, we’re going to explore three kinds of tooth whitening options.
#1 Whitening gels and strips
This whitening method is easy to find and apply. You simply place them on your teeth using either a brush or a thin strip. Typically, peroxide-based, these work after you wear them once or twice a day taking 10 to 14 days to get the results you desire.
#2 Tooth whitening trays
Wearing the trays is much like wearing a mouthguard. They come with a peroxide-based bleaching gel or paste that you fill the trays with before wearing. You wear them one or more hours a day for up to four weeks to get the effect you want. These are available over-the-counter or available custom-fitted by your dental office.
#3 Whitening toothpaste
All toothpaste helps brighten your teeth by virtue of its mild abrasives. But when you use whitening toothpaste, you are employing chemicals or polishing agents that remove stains without a bleaching chemical. These can often lighten teeth one shade.
We do, however, caution you to see your dentist if you are wanting to whiten your teeth. Because bleaching teeth can result in temporary sensitivity, and because it can exacerbate current tooth sensitivity discomfort, seeing your dentist is a good idea. You want to make sure your teeth and gums are healthy. If your home bleaching isn’t done properly, you can end up with burns on the gums or temporarily bleach your gums.
For the safest results, we encourage you to call 504-833-4300 to meet with our dentist at DeFelice Dental LLC. Dr. Tre' DeFelice and our team offer custom take-home trays and in-office whitening for our patients in Metairie, Louisiana.